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We all know how many moving pieces there are for a closing. Not only are we adamant about organizing information and creating processes to meet deadlines and requirements, but our clients are also doing the same. That’s why it’s so important to have the right people on your team to make sure things go smoothly.


Your client's experience is the future of your business. They'll communicate how they felt to their friends and family. Word-of-mouth, referrals and every funnel that gets you clients will eventually feel its impact. When clients feel cared for and enjoy the process, they'll reward you and spread the word.

Image by Gabrielle Henderson

Trusted Verification

As notary signing agents, we're extremely effective at verifying required
documents, signatures, and signers. Through identification requests and standard
procedures, agents handle the process for you to confirm an appropriate signing.
We also witness the signing and sign the documents as verification. Agents check
to make sure all forms have been filled out correctly.
When businesses don't have to worry about the signing, they can focus on the
deal itself and the client experience.

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Protection and Professionalism

Loan signing agents protect the interest of the client and your business. They
make sure all parties understand what’s going on and that they know what they
are signing.
This has recently been even more important during the pandemic. As stated in
HomeLight, “The concept of a traditional home closing…is proving problematic in
the midst of COVID-19…and many are wondering how they can execute the final
stages of their home sale safely during these times.” An agent can help create a
safe, smooth, and timely signing for your clients.
By developing an environment of trust, clients have a better experience and are
more likely to spread the word about your business.

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Finalizing the Closing

When everyone signs, the loan signing agent takes all worries away. At this point,
we want clients to celebrate, open their Champaign bottle and dream of their
new home or real estate deal. Businesses should be able to smile and celebrate
with them instead of worrying about the details.
We make sure to handle the closing documents appropriately by delivering them
to the relevant parties so the information can be recorded and funds distributed

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